Melbourne Specialist International School celebrated their Annual Art Exhibition in May 2018 at The Enabling Village. The artwork featured was “Save the Oceans; No More Plastic” following on from the Earth Day theme that the children learned about in the classroom. All of the artwork was made using recycled plastic items like bottle tops, bubble wrap and discarded bottles.
The art exhibition also showcased individual pieces from one of the MSIS students Lai-Yin Attard. Founding Director of MSIS Ms Jayne Nadarajoo said “Lai-Yin inspires us to think broadly and to teach creatively to provide all children with an opportunity to attend school. She is a wonderful example of how each and every person can contribute to society in some way. Her attention to detail and ability to recreate great pieces of art is most commendable. Her works bring great joy to the school community and to witness her growing confidence is one of the greatest gifts for me as an educator. We are excited to share her wonderful works in this inaugural exhibition and look forward to many more in the near future”.
Lai -Yin’s art pieces are inspired by some great masters of the art such as Van Gough, Monet, Degas, Matisse and DaVinci. In all her artwork, Lai-Yin always incorporates her own ideas to each piece that she does, creating unique masterpieces. Lai-Yin’s artistic expression shows her vibrant personality. In the last few years, her artwork has progressed towards increasing detail and mastery of various art mediums
The Guest of Honour at the art exhibition was Nominated MP Ms Chia Yong Yong. Ms Chia gave a very informative and heart-warming speech and opened the event. Several of the MSIS students delivered a great performing arts presentation showcasing The MSIS Soundbeamers, The MSIS Dance Group and The MSIS Drummers. Student Lai-Yin presented Ms Chia with a piece of her own artwork as a gift for attending the exhibition.